The Natural Environment of India

Instructor: Dr. Rahul Chopra

This course provides an introduction to the geology and the geography of India. The origin, evolution, and characteristics of major physical features of India are discussed. Topics include origin and evolution of the Himalayas, the major rivers of India, the origin and evolution of the eastern and western Ghats and several other topical issues such as the causes and timing of the extinction of the mythical Saraswati river. The physical environment in and around Pune will also be discussed.

Introduction and Review of Litho-, Bio-, and Chronostratigraphy, Plate Tectonics and Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Petrology
Physiographic and Tectonic Subdivisions of India
Cratons of India; Mobile Belts of India including the Eastern Ghats
The Deccan Volcanic Province including the Geology of Pune
Collision of India and Eurasia and the Emergence and Evolution of the Himalayas
Geology of Off-shore Basins including the Bombay Off-shore Basin and the Andaman and Nicobar Basin
The Indo-Gangetic Plains and Quaternary Tectonism in India
The Ecological History of India
The Environment during the Pleistocene 
 The Ecological History of India
Climate and the Indus Civilization including the mythical Saraswati River
The Ecological History of India
The Environment of Ancient India c.1500 BC-AD 700 and of Medieval India c.700-c.1750; Ecology and Colonialism

Grade Break- Up
Assignments: 20%                    Exams: 40%                 Term paper and Presentation: 40%

The course will contain weekly or bi-weekly assignments. Students are also required to submit a 15-20 page paper and make a presentation on a course related topic of their choice.

Texts and Readings
Course material will consist of selections of texts and papers. Lecture powerpoints will be provided electronically. The texts used in the course are as follows:

Geology of India and Burma by Krishnan, M.S., 1982, CBS Publishers, Delhi
Geology of India Volumes 1 & 2 by Ramakrishnan, M. & Vaidyanadhan, R., 2008, Geological Society of India, Bangalore.
The Making of India- Geodynamics Evolution by Valdiya, K.S., 2010. Macmillan India Pvt. Ltd.
Deccan Flood Basalts by Subbarao, K.V., 1988, Geological Society of India, Bangalore.
Man and Envronment- The Ecological History of India by Habib, Irfan, 2010, Tulika Books, New Delhi.

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