Ecology and Evolution

Instructor: Dr. Shweta Rana

In this course, we discuss the origin of life and its further evolution into different forms. The course will also cover how interactions between different forms lead to the concepts of ecosystems, populations, biogeochemical cycles, biogeography, natural selection and speciation. The course content will include   discussions of human evolution as well. Topics covered in the course include Darwin and the theory of natural selection, the Galapagos islands and the Darwin’s finches,  Microevolution, Hardy-Weinberg principles, Selections, Gene Flow, Isolating Mechanisms, Allopatric, Peripatric, Parapatric and Sympatric Speciation, Punctuated Equilibrium, Macroevolution, Cladistics, Origin of Life, Primate Evolution, Human evolution, Artificial selection and genetic engineering.

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