Environmental Geochemistry

Instructor: Dr. Rahul Chopra

The focus of this course is to understand the chemistry of natural processes in the Earth’s environment. The course will cover topics related to the chemistry of air, water, and soil, and the effects of anthropogenic activities on our environment. A major focus of the course involves studying the science underlying issues of pollution at local and regional scales. Various pollutants in the air, water, and soil are examined in terms of their cycles, lifetimes and dispersal.


The Chemistry of the Earth
Water Chemistry and Water Pollution
The Chemistry of Natural Waters
Water Chemistry and Water Pollution
Pollution and Purification of Water
Toxic Heavy Metals in the Environment
Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Chromium
Wastes, Soils, and Sediments
Household and Commercial Waste; Hazardous Wastes
Toxic Organic Compounds in the Environment
Pesticides, Insecticides, and Herbicides, and other toxic organic compounds
Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution
Chemistry of the Atmosphere
Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution
Chemistry of Ground Level Air Pollution
Environmental and Health Consequences of Polluted Air
Radioactive Contamination of the Environment
Grade Break- Up
Assignments: 20%                    Exams: 40%                             Term paper and Presentation: 40%

The course will contain weekly assignments. Students are also required to submit a 15-20 page paper and make a presentation on a particular issue/pollutant in the environment.

Texts and Readings
Course material will consist of selections of texts and papers. Lecture powerpoints will be provided electronically. The texts used in the course are as follows:
Environmental Chemistry by Baird, Colin and Cann, Michael, 4th Edition, 2008, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 831 pp.
Key Concepts In Environmental Chemistry by Hanrahan, Grady, 2012, Academic Press, Elsevier USA, 365 pp.

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