Field Course: Pune and It's Environs

Instructor: Dr. Rahul Chopra
Credits: 6
Note that this course may be offered over two successive trimesters.

This course aims to introduce methods of geological field work. Several aspects of geologic field methods are covered including the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Brunton and Clinometer compasses, recognition and identification of different rocks types in the field, identification of fossils, methods of mapping various lithological and geological units, and sample preparation for petrologic and geochemical analyses.
The course will focus heavily on understanding the field relations of the Deccan Volcanic Province in and around Pune, Maharashtra. The Deccan basalts are volcanic rocks which were formed around 65 million years ago. It is thought that approximately 1 million km3 of magma was erupted over a very short period (<1 million years) to form the Deccan Volcanic Province. Several questions with regards to the genesis and the duration of this volcanism remain unanswered. The road leading to FLAME campus has several exposures of basaltic rocks which have yet to be studied. In this course, students will geologically map these exposures to better understand the origin and evolution of the Deccan basalts.


Introduction to Field Observations at Different Scales
Review of Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Petrology and Paleontology
The Deccan Volcanic Province including the Geology of Pune.
Topographic and Satellite Maps of Field Locality
The Use of Global Positioning Systems, Clinometer and Brunton Compasses,
Geologic Mapping of exposures at Lavale, Pune
Mapping Techniques and Making a Geological Map
Geologic Mapping of exposures at Lavale, Pune
Geologic Mapping of exposures at Lavale, Pune
Geologic Mapping of exposures at Lavale, Pune
Geologic Mapping of exposures at Lavale, Pune
Geologic Field Report including inked field maps, cross-sections, and summary of field observations
Geologic Field Report including inked field maps, cross-sections, and summary of field observations
Geologic Field Report including inked field maps, cross-sections, and summary of field observations

Grade Break- Up
Assignments: 20%        Geologic Field Report: 60%                  Exam: 20%

Texts and Readings
Course material will consist of selections of texts and papers. Lecture powerpoints will be provided electronically. The texts used in the course are as follows:

Geological Field Techniques by Coe, Angela L., 2010, Wiley-Blackwell and The Open University.
Basics of Field Geology by Crouch, Rex A., 2008.
Deccan Flood Basalts by Subbarao, K.V., 1988, Geological Society of India, Bangalore.
Deccan Volcanic Province Volume 1 by Subbarao, K.V., 1999, Geological Society of India, Bangalore.
Deccan Volcanic Province Volume 2 by Subbarao, K.V., 1999, Geological Society of India, Bangalore.
Geology of India and Burma by Krishnan, M.S., 1982, CBS Publishers, Delhi
Geology of India Volumes 1 & 2 by Ramakrishnan, M. & Vaidyanadhan, R., 2008, Geological Society of India, Bangalore.
The Making of India- Geodynamics Evolution by Valdiya, K.S., 2010. Macmillan India Pvt. Ltd.

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