Atmospheric Chemistry

Instructor: Dr. Ninad Sheode

This course provides a basic understanding of the evolution of the atmosphere and includes an introduction to the basic concepts/laws used in the chemical transport models/climate models to predict pollution. Topics covered will include Evolution of earth’s atmosphere, Nitrogen, hydrogen, halogen, sulfur, carbon-containing compounds in the atmosphere, ozone and neutral chemistry, chemical and photochemical processes, Chemical and dynamical life time of atmospheric constituents. Ozone in the Atmosphere: Evolution of the ozone layer, sources and sinks of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, ozone and UV-radiations, supersonic transport. Atmospheric aerosols including Concentration and size, sources, and transformation, Chemical composition, transport and sinks, residence times of aerosols, geographical distribution and atmospheric effects. Air Pollution: Sources of anthropogenic pollution, Atmospheric effects- smog, visibility

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