Atmospheric Physics

Instructor: Dr. Ninad Sheode

The focus of this course is to understand the working of the atmosphere – an integral part of the entire climate system – from the point of view of physics. The concepts introduced in this course are ultimately used in numerical weather prediction and climate models. The topics include Structure and composition of the atmosphere, Equation of state for dry and moist air, Adiabatic and Isothermal Processes, Humidity Parameters, Virtual Temperature, Standard Atmosphere, Barometric Altimetry, Laws of thermodynamics, Entropy, Potential Temperature, Pseudo- adiabatic Process, Equivalent Temperature, Equivalent Potential   Temperature, Claussius – Clapeyron Equation, Stability and Instability, Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere, long wave radiation, black body radiation budget of radiation energy. Passage of solar radiation through the atmosphere, Atmospheric Windows, emmisivity, Absorption spectra of atmospheric gases, Raleigh and Mie scattering.

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