Monday 26 December 2011

Environmental Studies Course Offerings

Course Offerings

Disclaimer: Please note that the courses listed are subject to revision. Also, please be advised that it is likely that choices of elective courses for the major and minor may be limited during the initial phase.
Core Courses (Required for majors and minors)

1. Introduction to Earth and Environmental Sciences (3 credits)
2. Environmental Impact Assessment (6 credits)

Electives: Environmental Sciences (Majors must take at least six courses from the courses listed below; Minors must take at least three courses from those listed below). Unless otherwise listed all courses are for 3 credits.

1. The Science of Climate Change / Global Warming
2. Principles of Ecology and Biological Diversity
3. Ecology and Evolution
4. The Natural Environment of India
5. Introduction to Remote Sensing
6. Atmospheric Chemistry
7. Atmospheric Physics
8. Environmental Biogeochemistry
9. Statistics for Environmental Studies
10. Field Course: Pune and Its Environs (6 credits)

Electives: Environmental Studies (Majors must take at least six courses from the courses listed below; Minors must take at least three courses from those listed below). Unless otherwise listed all courses are for 3 credits.

1. Environmental Law
2. Anthropological Perspectives on the Environment
3. Water Wars / Politics of River Systems
4. Energy: Renewable and Non-renewable
5. Environmental Governance
6. Resistance, Solutions, and Questions: Responses to Environmental Crises
7. Research Methods in Environmental Studies
8. Environmental Issues in India
9. Topics in Environmental Studies